
w e l c o m e
Welcome to the HOME page of Country / Americana Songwriter, K. A. Patterson. That's me, and I'm glad you stopped by to check out what my music is all about.
Listeners everywhere describe this music as Contemporary Country with deep Traditional Country Roots, an occasional touch of Bluegrass or Folk, and sometimes the character of Light Favorites, Easy Listening, and Pop.
Make no mistake, these songs are plenty Country enough, with good old time character, to satisfy any fan of Traditional or Neo-Traditional Country. The subtle difference in writing style, along with excellent production, are what make a K. A. Patterson song that 1 in 100, standing apart from the 99 sound-alike me-too's.
My songwriting parallels my life. So the music embodies what life is about for the average Joe or Jane, each work born of actual life experiences. From stories of Faith, Family, Love, Pain, Patriotism, and Romance to every other emotion and theme in between, the songs capture what real lives are made of.
Like a lot of Traditional Country music, these are the type of songs that endear themselves for generations to regular folks facing real life achievements, dilemmas, and tragedies. Listen and hear LIFE - complete with its ecstacy, its pain, its love, its despair, and its hope - woven into each musical story. Listen and enjoy. Listen and relate. Listen and be moved.
Here at
I'm K. A. Patterson, writing LIFE . . .